El destino de México no tiene precio #Mexico2012 #EleccionesMX

7:06 p.m. 0 Comments A+ a-

El video "El destino de México no tiene precio", censurado hoy por YouTube por una presunta queja de violación de derechos de autor de la BBC, reapareció nuevamente.

Elecciones en México en 2012

para mas informacion http://www.fraudemexico.com/

10 ways to kill your recently bought #zombie

6:15 p.m. 0 Comments A+ a-

  1. The ultimate crow bar to the skull, the best way to kill a zombie when you have car troubles in the highway ;) #nobrainsforyou
  2. 9. Drop an Egyptian obelisk on them // of course you'll need to be in Cairo or Washington DC :/ #nobrainsforyou
  3. 8. Light the ‪#zombie‬ on fire // They'll just keep coming roostier at you, until their brain melts & falls down through their nose as a blackish goo #nobrainsforyou
  4. 7. Smash #zombie's head in a convection oven // and shout repeatedly asking "Where is Bill?" while doing it #nobrainsforyou
  5. 6. Run #zombies over with a car // just make sure you're not on a volkswaggen or datsun sedan, You'll regret it #nobrainsforyou
  6. 5. .308 Winchester to the head // can anyone say #TargetPractice ? don't forget the ammo #nobrainsforyou
  7. 4. Chain saw // It's massacre time! wear a raincoat, you'll be making a mess and I'm sure you don't want stains to stick! #nobrainsforyou
  8. 3. Starve the #zombies out // Get enough provisions, a bitch load of food,music & batteries an get barricated for 5 years #nobrainsforyou
  9. 2. Trap the #zombie in a pit of concrete // narrow the walls day by day... think of it as a Bonsai zombie cat #nobrainsforyou
  10. 1. Put the ‪#zombie‬ through a wood chipper // and if you don't have one near you, you can always chop it off and put it in a blender ;) #nobrainsforyou